Security Camera Chip Shipment Ranking List in August 2021
Time: Nov 11, 2021Views:

Security Camera Chip Shipment Ranking List in August 2021


The lack of chip in the security industry has became well known. In the past 2 months, the chip shortage is gradually expanded,

gradually spreading from southern China to other regions, extending from high-end models to low-end models, and prices have soaring.


A few days ago, when Sir Data visited a security camera manufacturer, the person bluntly said that the current Huawei HiSilicon chips are quite in shortage, even out of stock, while the price is also skyrocketing. We even found that a certain security master chip manufacturer has been out of stock for up to two months. When communicating with chip manufacturers, we found that the purchase of low-end 1 million pixels and high-end 8 million pixels has gradually decreased, and the market tends to be enveloped by an overall "black swan event”.