CMOS terminal vision optics track multifaceted bloom
Time: Oct 09, 2022Views:
Tide Electric Smart data research, the first half of 2022, the total shipments of eight cell phone CMOS manufacturers close to 2.5 billion, shipments of the top four manufacturers are Gecko Micro, Samsung, Sony and Howe. CR4 accounted for 89%.
Tide Electric Intelligence believes that the smartphone market, the most stable and largest consumer track for CMOS, shipped 601 million units in the first half of this year, down 8.7% year-on-year, and CMOS shipments are expected to decline for the first time in 13 years this year. However, as 3-5 cameras gradually become the mainstream configuration of cell phones on the market today, the increase in the amount of single cell phone lenses on board may soon form a buffer layer to attenuate the fluctuations in CMOS shipments due to the decline in cell phone sales.
In the smart car sector, from the market growth rate, the automotive market has become the fastest growing segment in terms of CMOS shipments. According to industry public data, the automotive CMOS market rate has reached 11.7% in 2021, and with the rising penetration of electric vehicles and the development of smart driving, the automotive camera is expected to be the main driver of CMOS market growth in the next five years.
As for the security camera segment, the global CMOS image sensor market size for security surveillance in 2021 is $1.08 billion, up 24% year-on-year. With the cross-fertilization of the security industry and everything, big data, meta-universe concept, AR/VR/audio glasses, artificial intelligence field, will give rise to more terminal areas, from a number of aspects to promote the continued growth of CMOS industry.
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